Dr Jessica Stuart-Harris
Dr Jessica Stuart-Harris
Dr Stuart-Harris graduated from the Australian National University in 2007. She worked in Bankstown, Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals before training in General Practice.
Her postgraduate qualifications include a Bachelor of Science majoring in Nutrition and a Masters of Science majoring in Nutrition and Dietetics. Prior to studying medicine, Dr. Stuart-Harris has accumulated years of experience in private practice as a Dietitian.
Other qualifications and certifications:
Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Family Planning Certificate
Black Dog training for mental health
Examiner for the RACGP
Hearing member for the Medical Council of NSW
Areas of interest:
Infant and child health
Mental health including anxiety, depression and eating disorders
Pre-pregnancy care and initial fertility investigations
Antenatal care
Contraception including Implanon and IUD insertion (copper, Mirena and Kyleena)
Pap smears
STI checks
Menopause and HRT